Saturday, January 16, 2010

January Giveaway

How about another stick figure family? Remember to let me know if you are a follower already! Contest ends January 31, 2010 at midnight (MST). The giveaway is for a 5 person stick figure family cut in white vinyl with the tallest member being approx. 4" tall!

You can enter by:
1. Purchase
2. Email
3. Following
4. Commenting

Cute projects

Hey everyone!

I would love to post your finished projects on my blog! Just take a picture and email it to me at and I will post it as soon as I can! Then, visit the blog and click on the "cute projects" label to see your finished projects! Check out this project by mariahsg:

mariasg made this project with a custom 5x7" JOY to-the-world vinyl order! Way to go!